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Mission Statement

Globally, three billion tons of pesticides are used each year, with the United States accounting for approximately one third of the use. Every body of water on the Planet has residues of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Included in this toxic picture are carcinogens, neurotoxins, and other chemicals that are now found in animal and human breast milk as well as various other tissues of the body.

There are six major players in $55 billion market for these chemicals: Syngenta, BASF, Bayer, Dow, Du Pont and Monsanto but this web site is not about boycotts and petitions but rather personal action you and those you know can take to reduce the pressure on all forms of life, including your own, by immediately refraining from the use of chemicals on your own property.

A simply enormous amount of the chemicals sold are used on lawns and ornamentals in the garden. You can make a difference, hopefully a contagious difference, by converting your own garden to a chemical-free edible paradise. This web site is intended to motivate, educate, and facilitate sharing of experiences among those who are implementing changes, anything from sprouting some of your own food in your kitchen to converting lawns and farms to 100% organic, sustainable, practical, and gorgeous landscaping.

I deliberately chose a potato flower for the home page because like so many others, I had always seen potatoes in markets or on dinner plates, not in the garden. I was astonished at how easy it is grow potatoes, how beautiful they are, and how much better home grown potatoes taste than store-bought ones.

In the years this project has been gestating, I studied many different sustainable growing methods and reflected upon the ethics of each approach. In the process, I have, of course, learned a great deal and also aged a bit. During this same time, countless stories of food-related toxicity have been reported. The definition of organic is sometimes hair raising, and due to the many imbalances affecting all life on this Planet, there are now food shortages, food riots, and, of course, sticker shock over the soaring prices.

The simple solution is to renounce useless lawns and then to plant heirloom and other seeds, bulbs, and trees that have not been genetically modified. Depending on where you live, how much time and effort you put into the transformation of your space, how much land you have, and what you plant, you may or may not become 100% self-sufficient, but it is possible if that is your goal.

Red Potatoes

One person has calculated that he can grow everything his family needs in 10 planting boxes. These are sold under names such as Earth Boxes or Grow Boxes. Some of them are on wheels and are easily moved. If you live in an apartment, these might be the way to go, but the soil is not actually healed through use of these boxes and I am as interested in the healing of the soil and water as the healing of animals and people. It is simply inconceivable to me that anyone can be truly well if the food and water used to sustain us is not itself nourishing and nurturing.

To the extent that time permits, I would like this site to be active and to include pictures and stories from every country in the world. I would also like to encourage those who feel the connection to view this site as place where they can form associations with others in different parts of the world, exchange ideas and experiences, and eventually perhaps also support the important work of biodiversity by sharing seeds and even viable medicinal and food plants.

With deep humility and gratitude for the opportunities afforded me in this life, I share with you my blessings!

Ingrid Naiman
Friday, 24 April 2009


Pervian Purple Potato Flowers